Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Language of Christianity’s Future

Cardinal Arinze with his longtime friend and ecclesial brother, Pope Benedict XVI.
The great Nigerian prelate Cardinal Arinze is not only one man every Catholic should know, he’s also from a country every American know. As Christianity becomes more and more a religion of the global south, the voice of Cardinal Arinze is the voice of the near Christian future. And as Nigeria is divided between the Islamic north and Christian south, its ongoing civilizational, religious, and cultural contest provides us with a microcosm of unfolding global events to come.

If you are not familiar with Cardinal Arinze – or with the voice of Christianity still shaped by authoritative masculine personalities – here are some Arinze quotes which should help:

On the Family: "In many parts of the world, the family is under siege. It is opposed by an anti-life mentality as is seen in contraception, abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. It is scorned and banalized by pornography, desecrated by fornication and adultery, mocked by homosexuality, sabotaged by irregular unions and cut in two by divorce."

On Atheists: "If a child refuses to accept its father or mother, that child is not a liberal, that child is a brat. And how much more important is God to us than a parent to a child?"

On Pro-Choice Politicians and the Eucharist: "You don't need a Cardinal to answer that question. You can ask a seven year old getting ready for First Communion and they will say no. Personally opposed! Ok, you tell them, I am personally opposed but if someone wants to come in here and shoot you all, well... It's pro choice."

On Female Servers: "Some bishops have asked about this and… we said, 'It's alright.' ... But if I had my way you know what I would do."
This is the language of Christianity’s future. It is a return not merely to “traditional Christianity” but rather a return to authoritative masculine speech (i.e. the kind of speaking we hear from foreign priests and very rarely from American-born priests). As Matthew says of Jesus, so too must we be able to say of a priest or bishop: “he taught [us] as one having authority” (Matthew 7:29). Moreover, the priestly vocation is not to speak with scholarly authority but with fatherly authority. Cardinal Arinze does just that – and that’s why he, as a celibate virgin, can truly be called “father”.



    "June 15, 1896" that made the pope retire electronically predicting in detail and by email the single #costliest natural disaster of any kind ever in the history of mankind individually publishing a thousand times specifically right before it then came to pass

    Don't forget there is only ever one single most expensive day humanity has ever had and commencing with an exactly 9.0 earthquake and subsequent Tsunami that hit Honshu, Japan after I had predicted it more than a thousand times something Joseph Smith, Nancy Reagan's astrologer and Nostradamus did not accomplish. Silvia brown may have done it once but my correctly predicting the costliest natural disaster ever in the history of mankind being published a thousand times debunks any claim she might have to this title.​

     At least 15,703 people killed, (7,000 MEN making it GREAT!) 4,647 , 5,314 injured, 130,927 displaced and at least 332,395 buildings, 2,126 roads, 56 bridges and 26 railways destroyed or damaged by the earthquake and tsunami along the entire east coast of Honshu 
    These Eleven short films depicting the costliest natural disaster ever in the history of mankind are not the bulk of the Manhattan Project which actually is a bunch of old photos of Manhattan that I wrote individual descriptions of the single costliest natural disaster ever on and published each one separately prior to 3.11 in 2011 when the single costliest natural disaster ever occurred in the history of mankind a couple of weeks after 2 22 on 2's day oh you know who's day


  2. Writing "June 15, 1896" before March 11, 2011 describes the costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter with the fewest number of characters possible.
